Make A Wish

Make A Wish

by Loki Renard

Loki leaned up against the grimy brick wall of the exercise yard, a cigarette hanging between her lips. She wasn’t actually smoking it, it was just an affectation, a way for her to look powerful. Cigarettes were currency in the Bucket. Smoking one when you weren’t even inhaling it – well that was the equivalent of standing on a street corner burning cold hard cash.

It wasn’t just the cigarette.  Everything about her was calculated to impart a ‘not a single fuck was given that day’ message of casual detachment. The orange sleeves of her uniform were rolled up above her elbows, her hands shoved in her pockets. She’d even managed to score a pair of contraband sunglasses that sat jauntily on her head above the curls that had grown during her stay at the Bucket and were now tumbling into her eyes.

Smiling to herself, Callie passed Loki by and sat down at the weight bench. The fish certainly was cultivating an air of self-reliance these days. She’d always been cocky of course, but it had deepened of late into something more like genuine confidence. That pleased Callie a great deal because it had some useful knock on effects. For instance, Loki wasn’t picking fights anymore, she didn’t need to. Nobody messed with Loki and a few of the newer inmates, ones who’d never seen her with her pants around her ankles, legs flailing as she got her ass publicly spanked had started orbiting her with an eye for protection.

Laying back and wrapping her fingers around the familiar bar above her head, Callie was glad. Loki was starting to grow up and need her less. She hadn’t laid a finger on the fish in weeks in fact, and she didn’t think she was going to have to either. Velda had been right, Loki had just needed one good solid Callie-style beating to knock some sense into her.

Callie took a deep breath and lifted the bar off the struts that supported it. The familiar strain felt good as her muscles took the load and she began pumping iron, quite content with the world and her place in it. Yeah, she was behind bars and yeah, she might well not see the light of day until she was truly old, but she had friends and people she cared about that that was what you really needed in life.

Squinting into the sun as she hefted the heavy bar up and down, Callie mused inwardly about the meaning of life until she found herself unexpectedly able to see better as a shadow fell across her. It was a female guard, hands on hips, lips thin. Callie’s heart skipped a beat as it always did when she was caught unawares. There were a few new screws about the place lately and she didn’t quite trust them yet. You never knew what a new screw was going to be like until they’d broken up a few fights and had a couple of paper cups of pee tossed on them. An impromptu golden shower was always a good test of a person’s character.

“You’re going out, Lee,” the guard muttered.

“Out?” Callie frowned. She dropped the weight onto the rack with a loud clang and sat up on the bench. Having made her announcement, the guard was already moving back towards the cell block, and Callie had to rush to keep up with her. “Sorry, what did you say?” She finally caught up to the guard as the woman made her way into the interior of the building.

“Your application for leave was approved,” the guard said, mounting the metal staircase that lead up to Callie’s cell.

“Leave?” Callie shook her head, following her step for step. “I didn’t apply for leave. You don’t get leave in here.”

The guard stopped outside Callie and Loki’s cell, hands on her hips, thumbs tucked into her shiny belt. She jerked her head towards the interior. “Get changed and let’s go.”

Mystified, Callie did as she was told and got changed into the only civilian clothing she still owned, a pair of black jeans that fit her skin tight and a white blouse. It was the outfit she usually wore to get denied for parole.

Once she was dressed, the guard escorted her to the front yard. Callie had been there only once before – on the day she’d been incarcerated at the Bucket. Seeing the imposing high gates manned heavily by the guards sent a chill through to her very soul. A prison bus was waiting for her. It was a small bus, a six-seater, operated by two guards. She could remember what it had been like to stumble off a bus just like it, back when she was young and angry and stupid as hell.

“Where are we going?” Callie tried getting some answers. Were they transferring her to another prison? The woman guard had said she was getting leave, but that didn’t make sense. There was no ‘leave.’ There was only parole, and Callie knew she didn’t have that.

The guard at the steps of the bus, a man Callie also didn’t know, slammed the side of the vehicle with his baton in response to her stalling. “Get in!” The order was rough and Callie got the impression he wasn’t going to be answering any of her questions any time soon. Without trying to ask again, she got into the van and sat in the back, wondering at the fact that she wasn’t even being shackled.

The door of the van slammed shut, the prison gates drew slowly open and the world unfolded before her as the bus trundled out into the countryside. The Bucket was located in the middle of fucking nowhere. It was put there for a reason – to make it harder to successfully escape. Even if you did get over the wall you had a heck of a long way to go before you found a town or a city.

It was a long, long drive, but Callie didn’t mind. She drank in the scenery, gazing at the paddocks and fields with the awe of a woman who has not seen open spaces for a very long time indeed. She’d forgotten what it was to see the sky go on for ever and ever, to be bordered by the horizon, not by a cement wall.

She had her eyes on the skies when the van slowed to a halt. “Oh shit,” she swore softly under her breath when she saw where they’d taken her. The bus had pulled up alongside a cemetery. Long Cemetery, the graveyard where Josie lay beneath the soil. Callie remembered the name, remembered penning it on the application papers when Josie had died, the same papers that came back with the inevitable word: DENIED, stamped across the top of them in punitive red ink.

She’d eventually made her peace with not being able to attend the funeral. Josie was dead, but she hadn’t gone, not to Callie. Callie felt her presence every day in each soft gust of wind that brushed gently over her skin, and in the touch of the sun’s rays. As she stepped off the bus, a warm rushing breeze skipped towards her, bringing with it tumbling orange and red leaves.

“Row eleven, plot nine,” the male guard said solemnly.

Callie nodded, but her feet did not move. Sometimes, when it was too hard to face what had happened, jail made it easy to pretend that Josie was still alive on the outside. But in this place there couldn’t be any denial. Forcing herself to put one foot in front of the other, she began to move across the damp grass towards the spot where Josie lay.

Tears that had lain dormant for years prickled at Callie’s eyes as she passed by gravestones. Regret was welling. Josie had died alone and in pain. Had she known how fiercely she was loved? Callie’s hands curled into fists by her sides as the events leading to Josie’s death flashed through her mind. Josie had deserved so much better than what she had gotten.

Another step, she was drawing closer. She could feel it. This was row ten. A line of low stones set into the soil marked the graves. She shuffled along, her gaze skipping over unfamiliar names. Then, there it was. Plot nine. Almost indistinguishable from the others. Callie found herself looking down at the stone with a gaze that wavered like water. It was black granite embossed with gold letters that spelled out Josie’s name. Josephine. Josephine Smith. Born. Died. And now laying at rest somewhere beneath Callie’s black rubber trainers.

Sinking to her knees, Callie pressed her palm to the soil. If only she could touch Josie one more time. Hold her one more time. Tell her she was loved just one more time. Faced with the final futility of death, Callie bowed her head and wept, hot tears falling on indifferent earth.

The warm wind swept over her back like a caress as she cried, years of hurt and pain pouring out of her body with a force that left her trembling and weak. “I miss you, Josie,” she whispered, kissing her fingertips and pressing them to the warm stone.

If she could have melted into the earth and embraced Josie that way, she would have done. But she could not. She could only mourn Josie and live a life that honored the woman. As the sun warmed her back and the wind teased around her tear-stained cheeks, Callie began to feel better.

As her tears cleared, so too did some of the heaviness in her spirit. She hadn’t realized how much she had been holding onto all this time. She was grateful for the opportunity she’d been given to see what remained of Josie. If she spent the rest of her life behind bars, it would be okay. She would remember the way the grass felt beneath her hands, the way the smooth stone slid under her fingers. She would remember this visit to Josie’s resting place always.

Ready to go, Callie turned around, looking for the prison guard and the bus. But neither were there. The spot on the road where they had been was devoid of vehicles and she was entirely alone in the cemetery.

Almost alone anyway.

Frowning to herself and looking around, Callie spotted a figure leaning up against a tree across the other side of the cemetery. It was a woman dressed all in black. Black trench coat, black pants, black turtleneck, black fedora. She was dressed, in short, like a villain in a bad spy novel.

With few other options available to her, Callie made her way over to the woman. As Callie drew closer and the mysterious figure raised her head, and then her sunglasses, Callie recognized her immediately. Loki.

“What are you doing here?”

Loki smiled a wide, Cheshire cat smile. “Offering you your freedom.”

Callie frowned as her heart sank. Loki should have been tucked up safely in prison, not lurking around cemeteries. “What are you talking about, fish?”

Loki’s eyes shone brightly. “Remember the last time we, er, spoke?” She coughed slightly and made air quote signs as she said ‘spoke.’ “You said I was better than the other cons. Well so are you, Callie. You deserve a second chance.”

“I’m not getting any more chances,” Callie shook her head. “I’ve been denied parole more times than you’ve had a hot ass.”

Loki’s grin grew wider still, until Callie thought the top of the woman’s head might tip off. “Yes you are. You’re going to walk away right now. Start a new life. I got everything fixed for you.” Loki held out a yellow packet full of papers.

Glancing warily over the packet at Loki, Callie opened it and pulled out a passport, a driver’s license and a state ID. They all had her face on them, but they didn’t have her name. They had a new name. A horrid name. “Millicent Lemon?”

Loki was smirking. “Well I knew you wouldn’t like Ermentrude.”

“Fish,” Callie looked at Loki seriously. “I can’t take this.”

“Yes you can,” Loki said with supreme confidence. “You can take it and you can start over new wherever you want.”

“They’ll find me,” Callie shook her head. “I’ll go to jail for life.”

“They won’t,” Loki said certainly, then frowned as if she was second guessing herself. “Well, if they do I’ll get you out,” she promised.

Callie continued to shake her head. “You’re never going to change, are you fish? You’re never going to stop looking for ways to buck the system.”

“Fuck the system, Callie,” Loki spoke with a low certainty that seemed foreign to Callie. In jail the little fish had been vulnerable, even scared sometimes. Out in the world she was different. She stood straighter, she spoke more clearly and there was a hard look in her eye that Callie had seen before – it was the look of someone who had decided not to surrender. “I say you’ve paid your debt to society.”

Callie was tempted, strongly tempted to believe her. If what Loki was saying was right, then she was holding a ticket to a new life in her hands. A new life in which she would be known as Ms. Lemon, but a new life none the less. But what if Loki was wrong? What if Loki was going to get them both in more trouble than they’d ever been in?

Picking up on Callie’s uncertainty, Loki was quick to reassure her. “You can trust me, Callie. I don’t do much right, but this,” Loki  nodded towards the packet Callie was holding. “This I do right.”

“Was doing it right how you got caught and thrown in jail?” Callie’s tone was laced with heavy skepticism.

“Naw,” Loki shook her head with a rueful grin. “Trusting the wrong person was how I got caught and thrown in jail. But I reckon I can trust you.”

Callie opened her mouth and shut it again. She didn’t know what to say. She was being offered an unparalleled opportunity, the sort of opportunity every convict dreams about. But now it was in front of her, the prospect of freedom, of a completely clean slate, she felt uncharacteristic fear. Where would she go? What would she do? In the Bucket she knew who she was. She was Callie. She was respected. She lifted weights and got double chocolate pudding on Thursdays. Out here in the world where the sky didn’t end in barbed wire, she was no-one. Scratch that, she was Millicent Lemon, which was possibly worse.

Callie wondered how Loki could stand there grinning like that. She watched, somewhat dumfounded as the fish reached for a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep drag. It was then that Callie understood why her bitch had been such a pain in the ass behind bars. The same characteristics that had made Loki such a danger to herself in prison were the ones that made her more free than most in the real world. Loki just didn’t understand that you couldn’t do these things.

Glancing around, Callie half expected to hear sirens and the cocking of guns in their direction, but there were no squealing tires, no slamming doors. Just the soft sound of the breeze through the leaves and a few chirruping insects. Was Loki right? Could you really get away with this sort of thing if you were just prepared to be brazen about it? “If I’m Millicent Lemon, who are you?” Callie asked, curious to see what Loki had up her sleeve.

Loki reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. “Charlize Brown, at your service.”

“Charlize Brown,” Callie snorted. “You are too much.”

“You don’t like Charlize Brown?” Loki  reached into the other pocket and dug out another business card, glancing at it quickly. “How about Susan Brooks?”

The girl had more identities than a super spy. Callie didn’t like that. Didn’t trust it. “Just who are you, fish?”

Loki puffed at her cigarette and grinned rakishly. “You know who I am, Callie.”

“No I don’t,” Callie shook her head. “I don’t know the first thing about you.”

Leaning her forearm against the tree, Loki pointed the cigarette at Callie in a way Callie wished she wouldn’t. A few cinders caught on the breeze and flew away, glowing red for a few seconds before crumbling to ash. “You know plenty about me, Callie. You’ve been the one keeping me myself all these months. You think an identity is in a name?” Loki shook her head. “No. An identity is who you are. What you do. You know me well enough, Callie.”

“Then I know you’re an unpredictable brat who will get herself in trouble sooner rather than later,” Callie said, hefting the packet in her hand. “And you’ve just dragged me into a whole mess of it.”

Loki tilted her head to the side and shrugged. “You don’t seem very appreciative.”

“I am appreciative. I think. Maybe.” Callie ran her hand through her short cropped hair. “But you have to see what you’ve done. You didn’t tell me about this. You didn’t even ask me if I wanted out. You just had me dragged out.”

“Of course I didn’t tell you,” Loki said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “You would have fretted. Better to do it and surprise you,” she grinned unrepentantly.

Callie growled at the description of her as being fretful. “You still need your ass beat.”

“Well you can run protection for me if you want,” Loki said generously. “Same terms as the inside, a bread roll and a plate of chocolate pudding per week?”

The girl wasn’t taking this seriously at all. She’d just committed major fraud without so much as a second thought. “Fuck, fish!” Callie exploded in the face of Loki’s joke. “This is serious! You’ve just made me commit a felony.”

“Fuck off. I saved you!” Loki wasn’t backing down, but she did take a step back when Callie stepped to her.

Callie’s shoulders and arms were tight with anger. Truth be told, she was scared. Loki had ripped the carpet of her entire existence out from under her feet. Callie had woken up expecting that day to be a day like any other – but Loki had fucked that all up in one fell swoop and Callie had the feeling that it wasn’t going to be undone easily. Even if she walked her ass back to jail – which was  a crazy enough idea in itself, she was still going to be in some deep shit. Nobody would believe that Loki had just busted her out without her consent. “I should kick your ass,” Callie growled, her voice low with menace.

“But… but I saved you.” Loki no longer looked quite as certain as she had done a moment before. Her shoulders sank under Callie’s ire, and the debonair appearance she’d been cultivating quite wilted away. She suddenly looked very much like a puppy who, expecting praise for being so clever as to have peed on the carpet, finds themselves quite unexpectedly chastised.

Callie took a deep breath, and then another, trying to calm herself. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. It’s going to be okay, she told herself. She closed her eyes and turned away from Loki. She couldn’t even look at the younger woman in that moment. Of all the stunts Loki had pulled, this took the cake by far. Only this wasn’t a stunt. Loki had just ruined Callie’s life. She’d taken any chance Callie had ever had at actually getting parole and she’d poured gasoline on it and set it ablaze.

“Do you make everyone regret the day they met you?” Callie asked in a low growl.

“Ouch,” Loki noted in a hurt voice. “That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think? This is the thanks I get for busting you out of jail? Did you want to stay there? Are you that much of a jail bird, Callie?”  The hurt became something else, a devious taunt. “Are you afraid to be free?”

With a howl of anger, Callie turned, grabbed Loki and wrestled her to the ground. She held the fish in the dirt, her left hand in the front of Loki’s collar,  her right hand clenched into a fist, ready to pound it down against the little bitch’s smug face.

Loki’s eyes were wide with fear, and it was that fear that snapped Callie back to herself. She wasn’t going to do this. Not here. Not so close to Josie’s grave. With a sound of pure disgust, she let go of Loki’s collar and stumbled up and away from the younger woman whose face had crumpled in despair and dismay. Anger was still raging through her, searching for an outlet. She had to give it one before she hurt the fish badly.

“I was just trying to help,” Loki said softly.

“You never fucking help,” Callie said, slamming her fist against the tree with enough force to make her cry out loud. Her knuckles came away bloody and aching, but far from recoiling from the pain, Callie leaned into it, using it to channel her aggression away from the now quite terrified woman who was shuffling away from her as fast as she could on her hands and ass.

“I can help!” Loki whimpered. “If you’d just trust me.”

Callie rounded on her, eyes flashing, making Loki whimper with fear. “What is there to trust, fish? A few pieces of ID? You think that’s going to solve all our problems?”

“Rotting in jail won’t solve our problems either,” Loki pointed out in muted tones.

“Maybe not,” Callie conceded, resting her back against the tree and slowly sliding down the trunk. She crouched down, cradling her sore fist in her lap. She was already regretting having hit the tree. Her hand was going to hurt for a long time. Still, it was better than having beat the shit of out of Loki. She would need her little bitch in one piece if they were going to get out of this mess.

24 Responses to Make A Wish

  1. Pingback: The Bucket F/F Spanking Series Returns | Loki Renard

  2. SP says:

    Millicent Lemon?? That’s a good one. LOL

  3. Kayla says:

    Hmmmm mama told me that if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all. I never was one for listening. I really did enjoy the other installments of the Bucket but this one just rubbed me wrong. I do like Ms. Loki’s work but this story just doesn’t make sense to me. I mean Loki has so many outside resources that she is able not only get Callie but herself out of jail no questions asked? I guess for me it’s a little on the absurd side.

    • Alyx says:

      Mm-hm, and just what would Mama do to a girl that was rude, huh? *raised brow* 😀 Just kidding. Welcome, Kayla, and thanks for sharing your comments! I think the escape stretched the boundaries of imagination a little, but not any more so than all the other stuff in the series! I mean, really, their whole situation and many of their actions require a suspension of disbelief to begin with. So the fact that she might’ve switched some guards around (and/or bribed them…I’m not privy to Loki’s nefarious plan *bg*) seems within the realm of possibility to me.

      I doubt that Ms. Renard (the writer) was trying to suggest everything is all taken care of from here on out. If they run away they will have to hide for the rest of their lives, because all she did was get them free of the prison walls. The rest is up to them. What I loved about this story was the way the boldness of the break-out and the confusion/dread in response were so true to the characters (and even to the individual authors *bg*). She took my breath away when I read it, and I’m scrambling as much as Callie to figure out what comes next! I also love the understated pathos of the cemetery scene. This short chapter held so many emotions for me…I just thought it was masterful the way she weaved them all together. 🙂

      Still, I really do appreciate your feedback! Thank you again for taking the time to post. 🙂 Tell me, did you have any ideas in mind as to how these two would end up? I’m curious to hear. (I had my own ideas, but I’m reconsidering them.)

  4. Kayla says:

    Okay so I have been pondering your post for a few days. I agree that Ms. Renard did a wonderful job portraying the emotion that Callie was feeling in the cemetery just as you did when Callie first told her story to Loki in prison. I was very much into the story and up until Loki appeared by the tree. Then a brow raised, the words “what the….?” escaped, and I was snapped out of the story with a groan. Trust me I’m not looking for reality but more of an escape from it however; the story just lost me at that point. There has to be logic and some reason not just suspension of disbelief. Trust me I’m worse when I watch movies. LOL I’m heard saying things along the lines of “that isn’t even humanly possible!” or “What the hell was that?”. It’s worse that I’m a science major and when they mess up real actual science I get irked. LOL But hey there are a lot of people like me who just notice flaws that seem small to other but are huge to us. I don’t mean to be critical and I apologize if I’m coming off that way.

    As for your question about how the ladies would end up I’m a little unsure. Here is where I’m waiting to see what the authors present. But since you asked *g* I’ll share my insight if it can be called that. Seeing that there is no evidence that the ladies have ANY romantic feelings for each other I guess I just always figured that Callie would keep Loki in line (personally would like to see someone challenge Callie’s standing in prison…a repeat offender maybe. I’m an action girl *g*) and eventually that she would get paroled for good behavior. After that she would use her many resources to help get Callie out early as a thank you or something. Nothing flashy I know, but the story doesn’t really lend itself to leaving prison. It seems more like a, stories that happen in prison story. *shrugs*

    I have a question though. Have you ever seen the British show Bad Girls or as I like to call it Prison Bitches? Anyway, first season has a story line about a prisoner named Nikki Wade and a warden named Helen Stewart. Long story short Wade has a crush on Steward who is “str8” but in the end Stewart falls for her and helps get Nikki paroled, that is after she loses her job and all. So maybe that is where I kind of see the story. Sort of.

    As for mama, well lets just say that she tanned my hide but it wasn’t out of love but dominance so needless to say I’m a “brat” who has learned to act out elsewhere.

    • Alyx says:

      Everything you say is fair enough (as I think Ms. Renard would say), and I can’t speak for her regarding her story, but I do appreciate hearing your feedback on what you like or don’t like in stories. I have a little bit of science in my background as well, so I understand what you’re saying about logical progression. I’ll admit that my eyebrows rose too when I first read about Loki in the cemetery, but then I just got a big grin on my face and shook my head. That is so in character from what I know of the author, so I guess it amused me. It struck me the same way it struck Callie, I guess you could say — I was floored and wanted to wallop her at the same time. 😀

      You are right that there are no romantic feelings — that’s the way it was intended. And actually my own plans for the ending were similar to what you had in mind, except that I didn’t expect Callie to get out. I would’ve ended it happily, but in my mind it was unlikely that she’d be lucky enough to get out early. Her legacy would’ve been knowing she’d made a difference in Loki’s life and that the brat would stay out of prison after that. Now, of course, my fellow author has made me consider possibilities I hadn’t considered before, and I will have to re-think things.

      I’ve never seen Bad Girls, but maybe I should. In my story Loki’s straight and Callie not, but Callie feels too strong a responsibility to the kid to have sexual interaction enter into things. Even if the top thing weren’t there, being a lesbian would make her extra careful not to cross that barrier with a straight woman. (Not saying all lesbians feel that way, just saying Callie is cautious like that.) Even if she felt attraction to her, it would be totally “hands off” in her mind.

      (I was kidding about mama, so I apologize if it brought up any unpleasant memories.)

      Thanks again for your feedback….I love hearing from readers. 🙂

    • Loki says:

      Given that the Loki character does nothing but assume other’s people’s identities, I don’t think it’s a big stretch to imagine how she got out of prison. Remember the part with all the new guards? Remember how Callie herself got out of jail?

      I’m not going to connect all the dots here or in the story, because I think it is insulting to the reader’s intelligence and I’m not big into spoon feeding stories, but seriously it’s not all that unbelievable that Loki could get herself out, *especially* if you were on board up until the point that Callie was in the graveyard. You seem to be saying ‘yes fine, Callie getting out makes sense, but the woman who got her out being out too, well, that’s insanity!’

      I don’t mind reader feedback, but I don’t find your objections reasonable or logical.

  5. Raine says:

    Ok I am a long time reader (re: lurker) and this is my first post on anything here. Now I will say I spent my whole night reading these stories and am typing on no sleep so bear with me. At first I had issues with this story, like “why would loki take that?” and “why was callie so ridiculous with the spankings?” (how though they were. Then I got over myself and thoroughly enjoyed the story and can’t wait for more. As a mega brat and well mega alpha girl I am intrigued by this, so great story and thank you.

    • Alyx says:

      Raine, I am horrified to discover that I had never replied to this first post you made back in October! Please forgive the oversight — I’m not sure how it happened but I certainly would’ve wanted to respond, especially on a de-lurking post!

      I suppose there are elements in any story which require suspension of disbelief, but the discipline between the two characters in this story is not one of them for me. (Not saying you have to agree, of course.) Prison is both “realer than real” and a totally artificial environment. (Er…not that I’ve been. *g*) Because it is so much its own little world, I have no problem believing that relations form there which would not form under “normal” conditions. It’s true any time you put people together for extended periods of time, and especially if they have to rely on each other. So Callie is ridiculous in her domination because her existence depends on her reputation. As does her self-esteem. She’s a live and let live type of person, but since Loki asked for her protection she’s going to take the responsibility seriously. Loki on the other hand is savvy enough to see she’s going to have to make concessions she wouldn’t otherwise have to do — to survive here she’s going to need Callie’s help, but her naturally rebellious personality means there will be constant conflict.

      *g* It’s actually a great set-up for two characters to butt heads. And/or whack butts. 😀 I’m looking forward to what comes next as much as anyone!

  6. Bahama girl says:

    I stumbled upon this series and was hooked from the get go. I hoped that Callie and Loki would have found love ,but in the end it was still a great story , and I can’t wait to see what happens next( if anything) .
    You are a great writer and it is great to escape sometime.

    • Alyx says:

      Welcome Bahama girl! I’m really glad you like the series, as I really enjoy writing it. 🙂

      There is definitely something happening next…just not quite sure what yet. *g* But the series is not over yet. (And Callie does love Loki…just not romantically.) Thanks for stopping by to comment!

  7. milinaus says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed this series, and especially this last chapter. I enjoyed the contrast of the characters outside of the original context… a good twist.

    Alyx, I’m curious how the two of you approached writing this story. I’m an artist and I take part in a project with other artists where we swap paintings halfway.. It’s a lot fun, and the results always unexpected. I got a sense when reading the first few chapters that perhaps you and Loki were taking a similar approach, and you were working from how it was left from the previous chapter. As I read on, I began to think you guys had to be freakishly clever if you didn’t some kind of previous structure in place. For example, the whole name change sequence from Loki to Ermentrude and back to Loki.

    Thanks in advance,


    • Alyx says:

      I’m happy you enjoyed the series, and this last chapter by Loki blew me away too, Mil. It derailed all my plans as an author, but in a good way. I think. 😀

      The initial motivation for starting this was simply to write a story to pay a certain someone back for her endless teasing on her blog. *g* It was never intended as a series, but Loki took up the gauntlet and ran, and it became (for me) almost a dance of sorts, where we had to adjust quickly to each other’s moves, while keeping the momentum going. You’re right that I believe both of us did the best to work from where the previous chapter left off, but I certainly didn’t have any structure planned in advance and I suspect Loki didn’t either.

      That whole name change sequence was hilarious, wasn’t it? *g* There was a tiny bit of behind-the-scenes collaboration there, as she let me know she didn’t want to use her name in the story (at first), but the resulting mix-up and escape came from her fiendish ingenuity. Good thing she uses her powers for good and not evil, huh? *g* And I must say, she chooses the best awful names. *LOL*

      I don’t usually write collaboratively, because I almost always have ideas of where I want things to go, and prefer to get there myself. But this series has been such an unexpected pleasure, and I feel it’s brought out some of my best work. I think that’s a testament to Ms. Renard’s ability to challenge and inspire, as well as her talent for detail and ability to throw in plot twists!

      • milinaus says:

        Ha! I love it! Very playful.Thanks for sharing.

        Um.. just one thing.. what’s so awful about the name Millicent? hmm?..

        .. just jokes, actually Mil is not my real name either (fancy that) 🙂

        • Alyx says:

          There’s nothing wrong with the name Millicent. Though “Millicent Lemon”….i don’t know. And you notice she kept the really cool name, Charlize Brown, for herself. 😀

  8. Loki Renard says:

    You didn’t ask me this, but as I seem to have a spidey senses connection to this chapter, let me just say that the flow of this series is due to Alyx’s capacity for catching curve balls and making them work. She’d probably be too humble to say that, but it’s true. If taking the unexpected and making it work were a sport, she could go pro tomorrow.

    • Alyx says:

      Aw, thank you! What a sweet and generous thing to say, Loki. 🙂 I must say you did throw me some curves at times, but you also lent your wit and sense of humor and amazing ability for description to make this a really interesting and compelling series. You certainly created a memorable character….methinks her having your name is very appropriate. 😀

    • milinaus says:

      Thanks for responding also, Loki. I can really sense the fun the two of you had writing this series. I have also downloaded and read most of your work.. kept me company through a long stint in India. Many thanks for that 🙂

  9. sparrow says:

    …sounds like a poke to me!
    C’mon, Alyx, spit on your palms, wipe ’em on your butt, pick up that bat and smack that sucker out of the park!

    • lola says:

      *smile* I couldn’t help but smile at this, sparrow.
      Now, Alyx, make it happen, babycakes. Give us a homerun!
      No pressure, of course..

    • Alyx says:

      No, no pressure, of course. *g* Trust me, I do want to pick up where Loki left off, and I have half the story written in my mind. However right at the moment is a bad time for me to be doing anything but rushing around like a headless chicken trying to complete tasks in two remaining weeks. And then after that I will be very busy for a week. But I promise to try to fit a bit of writing in in whatever pockets of time I can find, okay? Thanks to both of you for your patience and encouragement. 🙂

  10. Mimi says:

    I am loving this series. This one was very powerful! And poor Loki… she took some really severe beatings 😉

    • Alyx says:

      I’ll say thank you on behalf of the author, Mimi. And Loki did take some terrible beatings. But notice how she kept coming back for more? 😉

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